STS TRA tells us a crazy story about him being homeless and not having anything and eventually turning nothing out of something. STS tra use to live in the back of his truck because he couldn’t afford to be in school. The school ended up canceling his meal plan and room and board which lead him to the back of his truck. STS grew up with a single mother of 3 he watched her struggle and go without just to make sure STS and his brother had everything they needed plus more.

What makes STS TRA different from everybody is that he stands out he tells us “I’m not one of those guys that have to be around someone to be relevant” He always show genuinely love because he knows where he came from and uncomfortable situations he’s been in. “My supporters and fans are the ones I show most love to because without them and God my music career wouldn’t be possible.
STS TRA recently dropped a new single “Did it Again” and this was a note able career highlight for him because it charted #1 on Genius “Nobody in my city ever charted so being the first one to not only have my song charted but to go #1 and do it independently with no major label is the biggest highlight of my music career” STS is blowing up before our eyes and he tells us “I’m just putting on for STS we the biggest”
Although STS Tra went through being homeless he also had to overcome things like depression and anxiety he experience that back when he was in 5th grade he always dealt with depression and anxiety. STS tried committing suicide in middle school because he’s depression started to get the best of him. Recently he was staying in Texas and overdose on his depression medicine he overcame that by giving his life to God and just trusting him. “God has gotten me out of every situation and I give him all the praise”

STS see’s himself in two years being a millionaire and being successful in his music career. He’s ultimate goal is to take care of his family and be able to help others and put them in position. He told us it would also be a dream to continue to build a name for himself and chart multiple times and get multiple plaques and continue to grow his fan base around the world.
Continue to follow STS journey this young star is destined for greatness he’s head on straight and have the right motivation and courage to really strive in the music industry follow him on Instagram: @ststravian